I'm sure your wondering...how are you doing with working out and eating healthy? Well...not as well as I would like. There's no need to lie! Instead of complaining, making excuses and wallowing in pity, I am going to share some of the things I have accomplished the last couple of weeks. =)
Accomplishment #1- Pre-Pre School with Eli
Those of you who know me well, know that I love to teach. (not necessarily the way I do on a daily basis with the BT kids) I love seeing kids' faces light up when they finally understand something, and I LOVE the excitement little ones have when it comes to learning. Although I love being home with my kids and am content with where God has placed Tyler and I, I miss teaching in a classroom and in church.
I decided many months ago to try helping Eli become a smart little booger by trying Pre-Pre School. I struggled for the longest to do it consistently, plus Eli didn't always cooperate! The last 3 weeks or so, we have gotten into a good rhythm again of learning basic skills: letters, numbers, shapes, cutting, writing, coloring, etc. We also have a bible lesson for the week along with a scripture verse. Eli was promoted to a new Sunday school class a few weeks ago. He absolutely loves his class, and the teachers send home a little flyer with the lesson for the next week. This is what we have been using for the last couple of weeks to make up our Bible lessons. It has been wonderful!!
Here are some pictures of our classroom! (a corner of Eli's room!)
Eli and I have a lot of fun doing pre-school, and I hope to continue it at least for another year. I hope to transition to using a curriculum created by one of my dearest friends after Eli turns 3. (Check this wonderful curriculum out. She has a 3 year old curriculum and is in the process of creating/using a 4 year old curriculum. Scroll to the bottom to see it all! http://thepreschoolfordummies.blogspot.com/ ) I am undecided about if we will send Eli to pre-school next school year, or if I will continue on my own. I desire to do it on my own, but am trying to weigh the pros and cons and decide if I can do it having an almost 2 year old wandering around and wanting a 3rd laying around!!
Accomplishment #2- Not going nuts now that Tyler's classes are back in session!
As many of you know, Tyler is going back to school to get the pre-requisites needed to apply for pharmacy school. This has him being in class 4 days a week. This means I spend the majority of my mornings/early afternoons alone with our kids. When he is home, it seems like we have appointments, meetings and other work stuff to do. I struggled a bit last semester with not feeling overwhelmed and with using my hours wisely. I feel like I am doing much better and enjoying my time with Eli and Isaac much more.
Accomplishment #3- Enjoying when we are together as a family
Sometimes it is hard as a family teacher to enjoy the time we do have as a family. I have been trying much harder to cherish each moment we have together, even if it is when we are busy teaching away to Boys Town kids.
Daddy and Eli in the web at the zoo
Cheering as a family--ROLL TIDE!
Eli and Isaac cheering for Alabama. This is the best picture we could get!